An image from the film this blog is named after.

An image from the film this blog is named after.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How To Sound Smart When Talking About Film

Mention a respected director and slap the "ian" suffix on to their name. Bonus points if you namedrop a painter. Super bonus points if you use Brechtian.

Toss out a reference to an artistic movement that has nothing to do with film and don't explain how it relates to the movie at hand.

Use phrases that indicate you think a film looks nice, but are vague and don't say anything meaningful (i.e. "well-shot" and "perfectly-framed").

State how the film reflects an "ism" (modernism, structuralism). Extra credit if you slap a "post" on there.

Build your entire argument about a film around an obscure concept from philosophy or psychology.

Disparage several entries on other people's best-of lists.

Print out a list of the highest-grossing films of the year, nail it to a wall, blindfold yourself, and throw a dart at it. Take the film the dart lands on and come up with your own convoluted system of logic to make the film sound like a masterpiece.

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